Objects Apartments and parts of the house Apartment for rent, 2 rooms - Kaupmehe tn 6, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa 710€ Apartment for rent, 2 rooms - Valli tn 4, Tallinn 900€ Avalon business and apartment building in the center of Tallinn, Tartu mnt 44 A spacious and cozy three-room apartment in Kristiine for sale 289 000€ Müüa avara planeeringuga stuudiokorter Tallinna Vanalinnas Lai tn 32 184 000€ Apartment for sale, 16 Institute road, Harku township, Harku, Harju County 99 000€ Apartment for sale, 2 rooms - LIIVALAIA 25, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa 145 900€ Apartment for sale, 2 rooms - Kalevi tn 24A, Põhja-Tallinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa 161 900€ Apartment for sale, 2 rooms - Kolde pst 67/2, Põhja-Tallinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa 174 500€ Apartment for sale, 2 rooms - Kuldnoka tn 6, Kristiine, Tallinn, Harjumaa 123 900€ Apartment for sale, 2 rooms - Pikri tn 5, Laagna, Lasnamäe 119 000€ Apartment for sale, 3 rooms - Härjapea tn 6/1, Pelgulinn, Northern Tallinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa 140 000€ Apartment for sale, 3 rooms - Linnamäe tee 81-65, Lasnamäe, Tallinn, Harjumaa 137 500€ Apartment for sale, 3 rooms - Taara tn 43, Hiiu, Nõmme, Tallinn, Harjumaa 139 000€ Müüa korter, 4 tuba – Õismäe tee 187, Väike-Õismäe, Haabersti, Tallinn, Harjumaa 157 900€ Apartment for sale, 4 rooms - Pirita tee 20A, Kadriorg, Pirita, Tallinn, Harjumaa 754 900€ Houses and lands Plot of land for sale, residential land - Hiie tee 103, Vääna-Jõesuu, Harku parish, Harju County 109 500€ Plot of land, commercial land, forest land for sale - Viliste, Viliste, Austla, Saaremaa parish, Saaremaa 26 900€ House for sale - Annus tee 1, Rohuneeme, Viimsi parish, Harjumaa 410 000€ House for sale - Mäe tn 7, Aegviidu, Harjumaa 320 000€ House for sale - Vana-Mustamäe tn 25, Nõmme, Tallinn, Harjumaa 325 000€ House for sale, Kastani tee 4, Pring, Viimsi parish 325 000€ House for sale, 4 bedrooms - Kõnnu, Kuusalu parish, Harjumaa 150 000€ House for sale - Kurni tn 15, Nõmme, Tallinn, Harjumaa 529 900€ Terraced house for sale, 3 bedrooms - Laiamäe tee 10, Laiaküla, Viimsi parish, Harjumaa 459 000€ Cottage for sale, 1 bedroom - Mõru vkt 14, Moldova, Lüganus parish, Ida-Virumaa 110 000€ Farm for sale - Kivistiku, Tüykri, Viru-Nigula parish, Lääne-Virumaa 129 900€ Farm for sale, 2 bedrooms - Kuremäe, Alutaguse parish, Ida-Virumaa 59 900€ Commercial Commercial premises for rent - Tartu mnt 56, Kesklinn, Tallinn 1 550€ Commercial space for rent, 90.4 m² - Tartu mnt 56, Kesklinn, Tallinn, Harjumaa 1 590€ Avalon business and apartment building in the center of Tallinn, Tartu mnt 44 Commercial, service and office premises for rent in the Meteo building of the Tähesaju business complex Commercial, service and office premises in Tänassilma R-park for rent Warehouse and office space for rent in a class A commercial building in Peetri Kuuspuu tee 3 Warehouse and production space in the R1 Stock commercial building for rent The commercial and service premises of the Luige business center are for rent